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Yoga is an internal practice 


The type or level of yoga class you attend is not as significant as the mindset you bring onto the mat. Your thoughts, mindset, and energy determine your own reflection in the practice. To truly see the light, you must confront and walk with your own darkness and demons. By becoming aware of your inner self during your practice, you can extend that mindfulness beyond the mat, creating a transformative journey.

Birth of Siva

Siva Yoga Logo

Where does the name of SIVA derived from ? 

Shiva refers to “that which is not,” -  nothingness.

Shiva Adiyogi, also known as Adi Yogi or the first Yogi, According to legend, is a revered figure in Hindu mythology who is considered to be the founder of yoga and the science of consciousness. Shiva taught the secrets of yoga and meditation to his disciples, including the Seven Sages or the Saptarishis, who then spread his teachings to the rest of the world.

The philosophy of Shiva Adiyogi emphasizes the importance of seeing light in darkness and finding inner peace and happiness even in the midst of challenges and difficulties. This philosophy is based on the idea that everything in the universe, including both light and darkness, is a manifestation of the divine and that each individual has the potential to awaken their inner light and reach a state of inner peace and happiness.

One of the key teachings of Shiva Adiyogi is the importance of self-realization and the quest for inner truth. According to this philosophy, the ultimate goal of human life is to awaken our true nature, which is infinite and eternal, and to experience the unity and interconnectedness of all things. This is achieved through the practice of yoga and meditation, which help to quiet the mind and awaken the inner consciousness.

Another important aspect of Shiva Adiyogi's teachings is the importance of service and compassion. According to this philosophy, the greatest form of self-expression and fulfillment is to serve others and to use our unique gifts and talents to make a positive difference in the world.

In conclusion, Shiva Adiyogi's teachings offer a path to inner peace, happiness, and self-realization. They emphasize the importance of finding the light within, serving others, and using our unique gifts and talents to make a positive impact on the world.

Sama . Ishvara . Vidya . Ananda

Mission & Visions

In so, our mission is to align with Shiva's teaching to serve & offer a sacred space where individuals can connect with their inner selves, cultivate physical and mental well-being, and experience a sense of peace and harmony. By integrating traditional yoga practices with modern techniques, we aim to provide a safe and supportive environment where people of all levels and backgrounds can discover the transformative power of yoga. We believe in promoting a holistic lifestyle, rooted in mindfulness and compassion, and strive to inspire and empower our students to live life to the fullest.

“ Unlike common studios who only focus on asana practices, we want to tailor space & classes for Individuals who want to prioritise more on their inner self care journey, who seek alternative healing through yoga practices focusing on feeling better that allows them to share the positive energy they received after leaving the studio. “





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was inspired by a few important elements to represent a space to cultivate prana (life force energy) , such as: 

SIVA is a Sanskrit acronym used in the context of yoga philosophy, and each letter represents a different concept:

S - Sanskrit for "Sama" or balance. This refers to the idea of balancing the mind, body, and spirit.

I - Sanskrit for "Ishvara" or the supreme being. This refers to the belief in a higher power or ultimate reality that guides and sustains the universe.

V - Sanskrit for "Vidya" or knowledge. This refers to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, both of oneself and of the world around us.


A - Sanskrit for "Ananda" or bliss. This refers to the ultimate goal of yoga, which is to experience a state of inner peace, joy, and fulfillment.

Together, these four concepts form the foundation of the yoga philosophy, and represent the path to finding balance, knowledge, and ultimate happiness in life.

The Five Elements, also known as Pancha Mahabhuta in Sanskrit, are a fundamental concept in Hindu philosophy and play a significant role in the practice of yoga. The Five Elements are Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jala), Fire (Agni), Air (Vayu), and Ether (Akasha).

In yoga philosophy, each of the Five Elements is associated with a specific aspect of the human experience, including the physical body, emotions, sensations, and consciousness. By understanding and working with the Five Elements, yogis can gain a deeper understanding of their own bodies, minds, and spirits, and develop a stronger connection to the natural world and the divine.

Here's a short explain on how the Five Elements are associated with different aspects of the human experience in yoga philosophy:

  1. Earth (Prithvi) represents stability, grounding, and the physical body.

  2. Water (Jala) represents fluidity, emotions, and the digestive system.

  3. Fire (Agni) represents transformation, digestion, and metabolism.

  4. Air (Vayu) represents movement, circulation, and respiration.

  5. Ether (Akasha) represents space, awareness, and consciousness.

In yoga practice, the Five Elements can be worked with through asanas (yoga postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, and other techniques. By balancing and harmonizing the Five Elements within themselves, yogis can achieve a greater sense of well-being, improved physical and mental health, and a deeper spiritual connection.

The butterfly & lotus human symbol is a concept in yoga philosophy that represents the transformation and evolution of human consciousness. This concept is often compared to the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly, where the caterpillar undergoes a profound transformation and emerges as a beautiful and graceful being.

In the same way, the Butterfly Evolution represents the journey of the human spirit as it moves through different stages of growth and development, leading to a state of spiritual enlightenment. The stages of the Butterfly Evolution are often associated with the Five Elements in yoga philosophy, each of which represents a different aspect of the human experience and provides an opportunity for spiritual growth and transformation.

The goal of the Butterfly Evolution is to awaken the divine spark within each individual and to help them realize their full potential as a spiritual being. This is achieved through the practice of yoga and meditation, which help to quiet the mind, awaken the inner consciousness, and cultivate a deeper connection to the divine.

The Butterfly Evolution is a powerful concept in yoga philosophy that represents the journey of the human spirit from ignorance to enlightenment. It provides a roadmap for spiritual growth and evolution and helps practitioners to understand their own inner nature and develop a deeper connection to the divine.

The Lotus Awakening is a concept that represents the awakening of the spiritual heart, or the lotus within us. Just as a lotus flower grows from the mud and rises to the surface to bloom, the Lotus Awakening represents the journey of the human spirit as it rises above the difficulties and limitations of life to reach a state of spiritual enlightenment. In yoga and meditation practices, the Lotus Awakening is often symbolized by the awakening and opening of the seven chakras, or energy centers, within the body.

These concepts are often used as metaphors to help students understand the transformative power of yoga and meditation and to provide a roadmap for spiritual growth and evolution. By working with the Five Elements Butterfly Evolution and the Lotus Awakening, practitioners can gain a deeper understanding of their own inner nature and develop a clearer connection to the divine.

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